
Can you have a vaginal birth if you're delivering at 34 weeks?

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My friend is about 34 weeks pregnant right now and is in the hospital having contractions and the doctor said if they don't stop then he will deliver the baby. So i have a few questions....

~will the baby need to be in the hospital for a long time if she is born today?

~can you have a vaginal birth at 34 weeks? she wants to avoid a c-section!

~what is the likelyhood of the contractions stopping??




  1. yes she can have the baby vaginally. if the baby is ready then no you cant stop the contractions. the dr could give her medicine to try and help stop them. the baby would have to stay in the hospital at least to gain some weight.

  2. fist they will see how the baby is reacting to he rcontractions if the baby is tolerating it she maybe able to ahve it natural.. then once baby is born they will check her oxygen levels in her see how she breaths on her own. the babys lungs at this stage are not fully develope however there are times when babies lungs have been devoloped engough. She more then likely for  the first few hrs of birth be given breathing treatments until the baby can pick up on the breathing method herself since they are probably under devoloped...  Right now without now how progressed the lungs are and how baby is reacting thats the only thing i can say

  3. More than likely the baby will need to be in the hosiptal for at least two weeks! This is due to the fact at 34 weeks the baby's lungs are not fully developed and may need assistance!

    Yes you can have a vaginal birth at 34 weeks. A c-section will only occur if mother or child are at risk. Vaginal delivery is easier on the baby because it is what God planned.

    The likelyhood of contractions stopping depend on the reason they started in the first place!

    Wish her luck

  4. I had my son at 34 weeks pregnant and gave birth vaginally.  He was 4 lbs 15 oz. and I only pushed 6 mins ( guess because of his weight).  I was induced this early because I had Pre-eclampsia.

    My son was in the NICU for 2 days - thats it - and that is only because he wouldn't pass his first BM.  

    He never needed oxygen or any other help.  So at 34 weeks - the baby should be okay - but I am sure doc would want baby to stay in a little longer....

  5. Yes, you can have a vaginal delivery.

    The baby will probably have to stay at least a couple extra days, but there's no way to know for sure until after delivery. However, barring something bad, probably not a "long time".

    Whether the can stop they contractions depends on why they've started and how her body responds to the medications they'll give her.

    Some doctors might not even try to stop her at 34 weeks.

  6. First of all try not to stress to much!  There is no reason your friend can't have a vaginal birth.  There only reason a C section would be done is if there is complications or baby is in distress.  It depends if her plug has come away, she has had a show, or waters have broken, then there's really no turning back and she is going to have a baby!  

    If  baby is under 2kg (3lb something) then bub will go into special care.  If you are in Australia it use to be 2.5 kg but has changed to 2kg so I have been told by midwives in Queensland.  

    I had my second baby at 37 wks and he is now 6yrs old and happy and healthy.  Wishing you and your friend all the very best and congratulations.

  7. if the baby is ready to come, there is really no stopping it. The baby would need to stay in the hospital for a few weeks because it is so little. Yes, she can have a vaginal birth, why wouldn't  she be able too?

  8. The baby will most likely be in the hospital for a week or longer. The lungs are most likely not mature yet. Most doctors will not deliver a baby vaginally before 36 weeks. He might, all doctors have different practices. They will most likely be able to get them to stop. If the baby is born now, it had a great likelyhood to live. It would just have to stay in the hospital for a while. Tell your friend the best of luck.  

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