
Can you have job and go to Dental school?

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I was wondering if it is possible to work and go to dental school at the same time? I am considering going to school to be a dentist. I am married with no children. My husband works, but we need two incomes to pay for our bills.I really want to be a dentist. I'm trying to figure out how a dental student can still pay bills and go to school. I need to figure this out so when I decide to go to school, I'll have it all planned.




  1. My sister is a Dentist and I have to tell you she barely had time to eat especially in the last 2 years where you are doing alot of clinical work. You should consider something you can do easily @home during your down time. I made over $2500 last month working 5 hrs a week. Check this out and send this link to your friends they will thank you.

  2. It would be very hard.  My dentist is still in dental school so I see his schedule.  Your 1st year is pretty much all academics then you start to move to doing dental work.  I cannot say much about the academic part but they treat dental school as if it were a jab.  He gets there around 8, sees his patients, goes to class and lunch then at 2 sees another round of patients until 5 then is out by 5:30 6 after cleaning the area and what not.  

    A part time job on the weekends and over summer (only a couple weeks in August here at Michigan for the dental school) you could do, but full time you wouldn't be able to be home at all.  

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