
Can you have more than one favorite team in one sport?

by  |  earlier

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Or is that against the rules. My GF claims to be a 9er fan and a Raider fan, not to mention in Baseball she likes the Cubs and SF Giants. Isn't that against the rules of civilization?




  1. Yes, you can!
       I happen to have five favorite baseball teams that I like - equally.
       They are (in no particular order)
       Pittsburgh Pirates - The 1979 team was the coolest ever and the reason I really became a baseball fan
       Detroit Tigers - My mom is from Detroit and I remember going to games w/ my late grandpa
       Los Angeles Dodgers - Great history - Loved hearing oldtimers talk about the Brooklyn teams
       Boston Red Sox - I live in New England
       Los Angeles Angels - Great teams of the lates 70s/early 80s when I started following baseball...My Little League team was the Angels.

       I have watched all of my teams live and I have hats and shirts from each. The only problem is explaining when someone asks me who my team is. It can be done - a father who has fivve children hopefully loves them all equally.

       What about when they play each other? I don't watch!

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