
Can you have multiple speakers hooked up onto one amp channel?

by  |  earlier

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i have two speakers that are 100 watts each, two speakers that are 200W each, and two subs that are 600 watts each. Can i hook this up to my 1800W four channel amp or would i need another amp to supply power for the subs?




  1. you can...but you may notice the sound coming from your speakers not that great because the subs want most of the power.....usually by turning up the bass boost and gain for the subs. i have tried it beofre and have never been really happy with he results.

  2. well for the subs, i think its okay, i've hooked a 250 RMS rockford P2 Puch up to a 1200 watt mono amp also hooked up 2 600 RMS watt subs to just 1 side of the amp and it worked fine

  3. Looks like you have a 4 channel highs amp.

    front speakers and rear speakers.

    If this is essentially correct, you got no problem. (well a little short on power but, it will work)

    Hook up the front left and rear left (+,-) to channel 1

    Hook up the front right and rear right (+,-) to channel 2

    (your amp maybe A/B front, A/B rear, or whatever but its all the same, 4 channels is 4 channels)

    (this way you at least have stereo left/right.)

    Hook up your 2 subs to the remaining channel 3 and 4.

    (depending on the resistance of the subs, and it can vary a lot, you can bridge the last 2 channels, or run in stereo, need specs on amp/subs/resistance/duel coil or not/ for better answer on that point)

    But the short answer is , it will all work

  4. oughta work; the watts = the watts.

    Maximum power transfer theory is equal watts in equal watts out.

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