
Can you have s*x in a swimming pool while being pregnant?

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Can you have s*x in a swimming pool while being pregnant?




  1. Yeah, why not?

  2. You can have s*x because once your pregnant theres a soft tissue that protects the baby from any harm or any diease tat the mother might give when the mother is having sexual experience

  3. Being pregnant has nothing to do with it, you just can't have an extra baby. But, its challenging with the water and lubrication, and its a little risky considering air bubbles can go up there and explode in your tummy

  4. if you can out of the pool, i'd say yes. if not, i'd say no. lol....r u serious?

  5. You can, why you would want to is an entirely different issue altogether..

  6. I wouldn't recommend it but if you want to, sure. Your actually not supposed to have s*x in a pool or water period.

  7. O_o interesting question.....i have no idea but i wouldn't recommend it.

  8. Have fun! =)

  9. Why not?? :)

    I sure hope so cause I kinda already did :P

  10. That's just gross...s*x in a swimming pool is not sanitary.

    Then again s*x on your; Dinner table, Sofa, kitchen counter, or workout bench is either.

  11. i wouldn't do it cause its dirty

  12. As long as you are physically able, and have not been advised by your doctor to avoid s*x, I don't see why not.

  13. no nasty hoe!! you and DJ is nasty!! why he puttin all these thoughts in ur head?!! Dont try it cuz you gona get an infection from all them bubbles dumdum!! why dont you just leave it 4 the sheets!! lolz


    See you in the morning and every morning for the next few years..♥

  14. uhhmmm . i don't think so. why don't you try it dear. :] haha. just kidding. i don't know. maybe without using condoms, you will. :D

  15. I don't think is safe, when i was pregnant i was told i could take a bath because some of the water may go inside your placenta, imagine if you have s*x....

  16. Yes, why not you can have s*x anywhere, anytime till almost the last month of you pregnancy  

  17. Yes you can, and your baby is well protected enough that any "air" or "bubbles" are not going to be a problems and are just old wives tales for the most part. There is nothing wrong with having s*x in a pool while pregnant. Do NOT have s*x in a jacuzzi, the heat isn't good for the fetus, it can over heat it.

  18. I know for sure you won't get pregnant...I never tried s*x in the pool while pregnant.

  19. yep

  20. i dont see why not  

  21. yes but i wouldnt recomend it, s*x in a pool is still s*x, why would it be diffrent?

  22. You have such a dirty mind, but replace pool with jacuzzi.

    now THAT is fun.

  23. Yes

  24. the answer is...yes you can

    but should you is another thing... if it is your own private pool you have less of a chance of getting an infections from the bacteria that would get flushed into your cervix from the force of thrusting...a public pool i would strongly advise you not to have s*x in...lots and lots of bacteria! could cause a UTI or other infections that can harm the baby.

  25. I guess if that is what you want to do

  26. If you have to ask that, you are not old enough to have s*x or a baby

  27. No...I probably couldn't.

  28. Having s*x while in complete water pushes water up into your ovaries and can cause infections or something bad ( I'm not 100% sure what it causes but its no good)  Chlorine probably makes it worse.

    So Having s*x in the shower is fine but being fully engulfed is bad..

  29. I found out from a doctor that having s*x in water is unsafe pregnant or not. It forces air into the v****a while thrusting and that's a big no no.  

  30. I wud not recommend it, the force of water can push into your cervix,uterus, and abdominal cavity, and form a nasty infection

  31. No. Check the rulebook.

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