
Can you have tattoos as a public elementary school teacher?

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i know that little tattoos that can be covered up are acceptable, but do they all have to be completely covered up while in the classroom? this isn't a matter of what is appropriate or innappropriate, but i want to know will a public school hire you if you have three quarter sleeves, wrist tattoos or any that are difficult to cover up? what about facial piercings?

i only want to hear from those who are or have been teachers or those who know these answers for a fact. i don't want anyone to say "well i don't think you can" - i want someone that really knows if tattoos and piercings have to be completely covered up or not. my guess is that they all have to be covered at all times, but I'm not sure.




  1. It's going to depend on the school district and what their guidelines are.  I'm a substitute teacher and my husband is a principal in a residential school and the staff have to follow the same guidelines as the students.  As long as the tattoo isn't offensive, it doesn't have to be covered up and ear and nose piercings are okay but they discourage other facial and body piercings for safety and health reasons.  

    The school district our children attended have similar guidelines for students and I think the staff have to follow the same guidelines as the students.

    I know teachers who have tattoos, but the ones they don't cover up are usually small ones.  There are also some who served in the armed forces who have tattoos, but those are high enough up on their arms that they are usually covered.  I can only think of one teacher who had a nose piercing and she wears a small piece in it during school.

    The main thing to think about is the impression you will make when you go in for that first job interview.  

  2. It's improper and not should not be a lifestyle for teachers. In the first place, he/she chooses teaching as a profession and should have proper orient of the dos and donts of the teaching profession. There are other professions that does not restrict to such kind of human styles and arts. He can well opt to be the other professional otherwise.

  3. well i am not sure what to say...

    as i person u r surely allowed but when u r a teacher i think u should not.. it puts a wrong impression on the students... but if its covered up then its fine.. no worries...

  4. I teach in a public elementary school in which many teachers have tattoos.  Many are not covered up, and I have never known about any problems caused by this.  It all depends upon the area in which you want to teach and how conservative they are about these things.  My husband has full sleeve tattoos and is planning to teach high school when he finishes school. He is has pretty well resigned himself to wearing long sleeved shirts year round at work, which he may have to.  Just depends on where he gets hired!  But the simple answer to your question is yes, you can teach, but perhaps not everywhere.

  5. ok, at my school one teacher has a tat on the leg, another casual sometimes get work, he has dreads, tats piercings and a big burned in pattern thing & wares a singlet

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