
Can you have your home?

by  |  earlier

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I am thinking of disconnecting home phone and get cell phone. but I have DSL internet. Can I keep the DSL line and still have cell phone to the same number?




  1. the technology allows it..The phone company may not let you though.  I have verizon dsl without phone service.  Try asking for a "dry loop DSL " install.  The phone companys dont want to lose that phone revenue, along with incompetent tech support at the phone company causes many to think that you need "the dial tone" if your in the verizion area try the link  below.  if you have AT&T, I think you have a lot more work cut out for you.

    look around on the forum for your local phone company at

    oh and yes phone number portability is guaranteed by the FCC.  just dont cancel the service before the number is ported otherwise your lose the #

  2. no, because the DSL line is connected to your home phone jack which you need a telephone account to have that active. if costs are the reason you want to cancel your home line, try keep everything on skype :)

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