
Can you hear people when you're in a coma?

by  |  earlier

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I've always wondered, for you always see it in movies.




  1. I'm sure you could hear but not necessarily understand it at the time. When a person is unconscious, they can hear things around them still...that's why people wake up when an alarm clock goes off.

  2. people in comas show increased brain activity when given aural (sound) stimulation.  even though they don't move, they can hear.

  3. no u cant thats a dum ? who doesnt know the anwser to that question

  4. Coma are the results of brain trauma, I doubt it if your brain could still comprehend.

  5. When I was in a coma I recall being vaguely aware of some things going on around me. I heard a lot but I couldn't react to it at all.

  6. I was in a coma for three days,while I was in my comatose state, I don't think I could acknowledge/register what I was hearing, but when I came out of a coma, I remember certain things that were said around me.

  7. yes.

    it depends on what type of coma

    but most comas are just hyperactive paralyzed state of the body.

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