
Can you help BAD cold ?

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ok so it started out you know coughing some sneezing a little tired and now im coughing up mucus and puking mucus i feel so sick is there anything to ease it a bit ive been taking cold med.'s my mom also gave me alergy pills ive been drinking a lot of water yet every time i stand up i get light headed and it is so bad i cant sleep can you help




  1. i had the same thing not to long ago and all i did for the week or 2 was just sit on the couch stay hydrated by drinking gatorade and eating jello, also drinking the broth of some soup will work too plus it is good. :D hope this helps.

  2. Sounds like (at least) a real bad chest infection, you need to go to a doc and get checked, could develop into pneumonia (fluid in the lungs) and the light-headed bit indicates fever. I would be worried about meningitis too (flu-like symptoms) and you need quick action on that one 'cos it kills within hours. Scarey, huh?

    GO SEE THE DOC! or check into Emergency at the Hospital. What have you got to lose?

    Meantime try Buckley's Canadiol, Vicks Vaporub, and Gee's Linctus - but they only hide/alleviate the symptoms, temporarily, so GO SEE THE DOC!


  3. you might have a cold/virus,just stay in bed,sleep alot and get a really good medicine.i usually dont get that sick so i dont know much about medicine but if your not getting better,go see a doctor.

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