
Can you help give me saving the enviroment tips??

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hey ok.. well there is a contest in my town. and you can win up to 1000 dollars. Well they are trying to come up with some good ideas on making our community/ town healthier and green. I was thinking to maybe enter more trash cans at pools parks, and ect. i need better ideas to make our community healther and better.. basicly green.. think GREEN.. prevent global warming stf.. you get the point... thanks and help!




  1. there is a lot of tips... for example, you can save energy by changing typical lamps for the white lamps... you can clean parks and streets, or you can use less your car... or you can avoid use to many wrappings on your groceries...

    i think the best way is to separate all the trash and recycle, but in home... if you separate all the organic trash, you can have a very good fertilizer for your own garden... and the plastic, glass or metals can go to a recylcer.

    the goverment can gives some help to a recyclers business, and all the people can buy this productos... they're fewer quality but our earth is a good reason to change habits


  2. The city could put a hefty tax on plastic bags such that people are encouraged to bring their own cloth bags for shopping. This will greatly reduce the amount of plastic in your city's garbage collection, as well as the amount of plastic trash around town.

    Find the nearest place that recycles glass and or plastic and pays those who bring in such, and start a campaign where the city provides central locations for people to bring in such trash, and then local community groups transport the trash to the recycling center and get the money for the their groups.

    Have a campaign that discourages people from keeping the water running while they brush their teeth.

    Have a campaign that encourages people to use their dishwashers only when they are full.

    Have a campaign that encourages people to switch to low energy light bulbs.

    Have a "turn it off" campaign that encourages people to turn off lights in rooms not in use.

    Have an "unplug it" campaign that encourages people to unplug anything in their house not immediately in use (any electronic, such as a toaster or TV, when "off", is still draining electricity when plugged in)

    Have a "compost it" campaign where people are encouraged to compost instead of throw away food trash.

    Have an urban gardening campaign where people are encouraged to grow herbs and veggies in even tiny plots or on the roof of buildings.

    Have a campaign that encourages people to walk or ride bicycles to work, or take mass transit if you have such (my home town in Kentucky has a bus system, for instance, but it's very hard to use; by contrast, I live in Germany and don't even speak the language, but the bus system is easy to use).

  3. walk more often plant trees as a tradition (plant 1 tree for every person in your community)  once a week clean local parks  change lightbulbs to energy effitient

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