
Can you help me? Gadgets have frozen on laptop!!?

by  |  earlier

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It's the sidebar which has frozen! I downloaded about 30 or so extra gadgets today for my Toshiba laptop & i placed them all on the side bar so that there were about 10 rows of gadgets. Now the side bar is frozen & won't display any gadgets. I've tried restarting the computer about 10 times & it won't unfreeze! Help!!! (sobs...)




  1. check out this site, they give you a sony vaio laptop FOR FREE!! i got mine last week and it's smokin'!

  2. Try holding down F8 while the computer starts and starting in Safe Mode.  If you can get it to start in Safe Mode, get rid of your gadgets.  It sounds like they are conflicting with your other software.

  3. The best way is to delete some of them. Maybe the boring ones or which you rarely used. I also agree with Daniel. Use safe mode before you delete any of them.

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