
Can you help me and my friends?

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We are trying to brush up on the Gilded Ages/ Progressive Era, and also around the same time when Hawaii and Alaska was taken over.

can you provide us with 14 questions 7 for Gilded ages/ Prgressive Era and 7 for the time of THe Withe Mans Burdon?

Answears aswell.




  1. 1 . During which years did the Gilded Ages/Progressive Era occur?

    2 .  In American history, the "Gilded Age' refers to what?

    3 . Explain why you believe or disbelieve that the Second Industrial Revolution had a bearing on American history during the Gilded Age.

    4. How did the Gilded Age get it's name?

    5.  Name 3 influential figures of the Gilded Age/Progressive Era..

    6. Define what is meant by the Progressive Era

    7. Name and describe 2 federal level Acts that were created during the Proressive Era.

    Sorry, cannot help you out with your second topic.  Have you checked the spelling on the words?

  2. I have heard of Golden Ages, and I have heard of the so-called "white man's burden." I have never heard of a "progressive era" in any context. None of them remotely suggests an historical epoch (as Medieval, Renaissance, Elizabethan and Victorian do), and all are heavily value-laden. My school days are long behind me.  I have heard that much schooling is little more than a left-wing boot camp.  Your question gives me the first hint that that rumor may well be true.

    As regards the "White man's burden," it is a poem by Rudyard Kipling. If you look it up in Wiki you will see that academics are divided as to whether it is pro- or anti- imperialism.  However, the conclusion of the third stanza:

    Watch sloth and heathen folly

    Bring all your hopes to nought.

    Gives one an eerie feeling that he had looked ahead to the mess than is much of Africa today.

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