
Can you help me decide on a middle name?

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Our little girl's name is going to be Adelynn...but we're torn between Adelynn Rosalee or Adelynn Rosetta.

Rosalee is a combo of her grandmother and great grandmother's names, and Rosetta would be a combination of her great grandmother's first and middle names.

So let me know what you think.

PS...If you don't like any of the names, I'd rather you not say anything cause your opinions aren't going to change our minds...just so you know. =p




  1. Rosalee.  Don't use Rosetta.  It's the name of a stone.  It'll seem as if you named your child after a stone...

  2. I like rosetta better

  3. I don't like Rosetta

    There is a company called Rosetta Stone....they do foreign language stuff. Reminds me of the name of that company.

  4. Adelynn Rosalee ♥

    Hope I Helped!

  5. I think Adelynn Rosalee flows smoother.  Also, I don't know if this is any influencing factor, but when I saw Rosetta, I immediately thought of Rosetta Stone language programs.  Either other people will notice that, also, or I'm just heavily influenced by advertising. lol.

    I love Adelynn Rosalee.

  6. Adelynn Rosalee definitely.

    Adelynn Rosetta has just too many double N's and souble T' doesn't look very appealing!

  7. What beautiful choices to pick from. I like Adelynn Rosalee.

  8. rosalee is sounds good. Choose that one and it has a more special meaning (since it has two grandmothers in it)

  9. Adelynn Rosalee :) I think its gorgeous. Good luck and best wishes.

  10. Adelynn Rosalee

    I love it! It just sounds good together.

  11. Adelynn Rosealee is sooooo much better! I love it!

    Hope this helps u!

  12. I like Adelynn Rosalee it is a precious name and sounds really nice together!

    Hope this helped!

  13. What a brilliant idea to name your daughter after her grans and great-grans. How thoughtful of you. As to your choice: it has to be Rosalee.  Calling her Rosetta could cause  unkind folk to call her "Stone" after the famous Rosetta Stone.

    There are some wierd combinations of names around. I have taught children called Joel Abel (say it quickly) Sean Lamb and Teresa Green and a girl who was nearly called Amanda Lynne until her dad objected and she was called Amanda Jane!!

  14. rosalee! I think Adelynn Rosalee sounds beautiful :) And it seems equally meaningful :).

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