I like to make stuff on my own, and have been getting pretty good at making sugar cookies, and so i decided to try brownies. They were really good, but tasted really strong, even though i used unsweetened chocolate and un-salted butter. The recipe i did use was from foodnetwork.com. So heres the story, another co-worker brought in brownies one day and they were so much better, you could literally eat them all on your own if you wanted, almost like bakesale brownies from my childhood. So i asked what their recipe was, they used Betty Crocker boxed brownies, lol.... so i was a little sad, and tried to find if there was a recipe for them anyway, but all i could find on their site was the Ultimate Brownie Mix but no recipe or anything, so my question is, can you find me that recipe or one that you personally like that doesnt make you feel like you couldnt eat more than one b/c of how sweet they are?