
Can you help me find summer reads for my 14 y/o son who hates to read???

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He hates reading but I want to find a couple good books for him to keep his skills up during the summer.




  1. i like Lemony Snicket books.

    "a series of unfortunate events"

    chapter books....adventures.....

    maybe he will too.

    ~~~~such a good parent!!!!~~~~

  2. Clique

  3. What about the new James Bond novel Devil May Care. Or any of the other Bond novels.

  4. The trick to getting children who hate to read reading is to give them books about things they are interested in.  If he likes skateboarding, get him a skateboarding book.  Usually when they hate reading, it's because they get frustrated because they *can't* read as well as others, so start out simple.  

    Also, reward him.  Suggest a book that you think he'll really enjoy.  Read it yourself.  When he says he's finished it, give him a small "quiz" which may be in the form of a conversation (so he doesn't know he's being quizzed).  "What did you think of how the guy found out who the robber was at the end?   That was wild, huh?"  If he actually read it then give him a surprise like $5 or a trip to get ice cream.

    Some books I'd suggest for a young teen guy are:

    The Great Dane Thor -

    The Giver -

    Ender's Game -

    Pendragon -

    Red Dog -

    Hatchet -

    Then there are always the easy ones to fall back on like Harry Potter, but the size of those is a little daunting to someone who hates reading.

    All but the first two books I listed are also parts of series...which means if he likes the first one, he'll want to continue reading!

  5. What things interest him?  That's where to start.  Then ask your librarian for recommendations.

  6. My 13 year old son loves the American Chillers or Michigan Chillers series by Jonathan Rand.  They are really cool books your son may enjoy.


    My personal preference

    (am 15) Dont tell anyone xD

  8. try some sport books

  9. I know it's been censored by some schools, but Catcher in the Rye is a fantastic read about a boy about your son's age told from his perspective. I would highly recommend it.

  10. I think he might enjoy The Chocolate War...very good book for a young high schooler!!!!

  11. Well what are his interests? He must have things he books with those in them.

  12. I know he is not the best author for kids, but my daughter hates reading too (she is almost 16) and has been reading a lot of Steven King. I don't like the language or the plots in his books, but it does keep her up on her reading. Although there have been a couple nights she was scared to walk to the house in the dark alone... lol...serves her right for reading that stuff.

  13. This is a 12 book series he would love.

    He doesn't like reading then he will like it.

    It's called Cirque Du Freak, Circus of Freaks in french.

    If you are not sure about this then look it up. =]

    I'm pretty sure he would enjoy this book.

    Cirque Du Freak.

  14. I would recommend finding a series that he is interested in. My son loves Star Wars and enjoys the many books in the series. He's also enjoyed Hardy Boys and Harry Potter. Involve him in the process and you will have greater success. :)

  15. Try magazines instead of books. He would I am sure like Sports Illustrated or other sports related mags.

    Also try some more grown up books for him - there are many mysteries for instance he might like - try Jonathan Kellerman or Stephen King.

  16. HOLES!!!!! good boy book.. he may have read it though becuase i know when i was still in school they made us read it as a class.. and not to tell you how to be a parent or anything because of course its good to keep his skills up.. but hes a 14 year old boy and its summer time... none of my friends at that age had to read books during summer.. thats what summer is for.. not doing school things!

  17. I have a cousin that age.  If he likes sports, try any of Mike Lupica's recent books.  If not, try some boy-targetted Japanese Manga books, like Togari.  They and have lots of blood and gore to  keep his interest, and are easy reading, just enough to keep his brain from going completely to mush over the summer.

  18. what does he like? i have found that most people if they read the right book, will like reading. has he read harry potter? check out the "popular" section in your library.  you may find something that will interest him.

    also on yahoo answers there is a books section where a lot of teen readers hang out and you may be able to get some good suggestions from them as well!

  19. If he struggles with reading you may pick books that are easier for him to read so they are more enjoyable.  A couple that come to mind are "A Day No Pigs Would Die," I know it doesn't sound great...but there are some funny parts that a 14 year old boy would like.  Has he read "Hatchet"? A couple of easier, but good,  reads for boys.

  20. My nephew is the same way. If he has to read, he likes easy, exciting books.

    -CHERUB books, by Robert Muchamore. About a child spy school told mainly bu 13 year old Adam.

    - Young Bond, by Charlie Higson: Bond when he was at Eton school.

    -Power of Five, by Anthony Horowitz, about teenagers saving the world etc.

    These are all series, so you could get the first of each one from the library to see whether he can get into them before buying them. CHERUB are really good, My nephew is dyselexic and hates reading, yet loves them, I really recommend them.

  21. I've read Gary Paulsen books like Hatchet.It's more of a boy book but I don't really care.If he likes sprorts have him read the book Keeper which is a soccer book.Or maybe Holes is a good book if he likes adventures.Maybe even Harry Potter.Some good authors are Andrew Clement,Jerry Spinnelli,Mal Peet,J.K. Rowling,Gary Paulsen,and Bill Wallace.

    Hope these help!

  22. The best way is to bring him to the library. Have him look at books and try reading at least a paragraph. Read the back of the book or the front inside cover to see what the book is about. Tell him to check with his friends or people in his class to see what recommendations they have.

    My stepdaughter doesn't like to read at all but she's been trying. Her parents took her to the bookstore and she found a book. But I think that's a bit wasteful. One book cost almost $10. You can usually find them cheaper on Amazon and there is the library which costs nothing.

    edit: She is 14 and bought Go Ask Alice, which is about a 15 yo girl. It's a popular book.

    Harry Potter.

    C.S. Lewis books

    What are his interests?  There are so many books. I would start looking at books that fit his interests and likes.

  23. As a teacher I encourage kids to read whatever they are interested in--no matter how trashy I might think it is. I do this, because I can still remember the day I truly learned to read. I was reading a comic book (which my Mom did not approve of) and suddenly I could see the images in my head like a movie--I was so astounded I went out and told my Mom about it. Of course, she said, well maybe now when you start reading some decent books you will see the same thing ( actually she was quite right).

    So i don't know what your son is like--but  car magazines,  hunting, humor magazines, etc.--whatever--so long as he reads. At age 14  he is probably  quite interested in s*x--I am sure he would latch onto Maxim magazine--it not only has some "hot babes"--but sports, techie things--stuff guys like.

  24. a little disturbing, but it might be what you need: The Wasp Factory.... it depends on you son though, maybe you should look through it first, but its short so he wont feel overwhelmed  by reading a whole book

  25. Find out what his interests are, and make a trip to the library.  The librarian will help you find books that appeal to his interests.  The link below may also be of use.

    Be sure to include other forms of reading. He may find magazines or comic books more appealing.

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