
Can you help me find these people in Paris, France?

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Can anyone help me please?

I am trying to find some people whom I have lost contact with when I was a child in Iraq.

The family name is Al-Saffar, spelt with or without the hyphen.

We had lost contact as we both fled Iraq, they ended up in Paris I believe and although we knew this they did not leave us any contact details..I believe this was around 8 years ago in 1999.

The family from what I know are:

Garda / Ghada (Mother)

Mustafa (Son)

Musab (Son)

I have tried searching online with Google,Facebook and MySpace but to no avail.

So does anyone know of any links or websites where I would be able to find the people in question, any help whatsoever would be whole heartedly appreciated.

For example, the Paris phonebook?





  1. Try pages jaunes

    Good luck

  2. I can't help you, but would the French Embassy be able to to?

    Google them to find a contact address in whichever Country you are living at the moment.  They may be able to put you onto someone who can help.

    It seems to be not an uncommon surname - there are 34 people with it on the UK Electoral Roll.  I was hoping to find only 1 or 2 who might have been relatives who would know where in Paris your friends might be.

    The other thought, is there a Society of  Iranian/Persian ex-pats?

    Good luck!

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