
Can you help me get through my basic teenage problems? ?

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I'm a 14 year girl in the 9th grade. Since I've gotten in high school i had somethings going on in and out of school. In school I have 2 problems:school work and boys. The school work is fairly easy but its a little different from middle school. I'm getting kind of bored and lazy with it.Can you tell me some ways of how to get over that? The boys part..well I'm lonely and my hormones are raging. Boys aren't getting in the way of my school work either. I'm just really lonely. I missing that sweetheart feeling I guess. So how can i stop myself form thinking about s*x and how can i focus more on work than boys? I'm really having some mixed feelings right now. Out of school..I'm trying to have more fun. I'm tired of staying in the house with my mom and going to the movies with my mom and seeing girls with they're boyfriends and stuff. I can get boyfriend(lets just say I'm a 14 year old with a Beyonce body) but yeah i can get bf i just can't date yet. And I have this guy that i like but hes 18. He turns 19 in October. He likes me too. But you know there's some illegal issues there. I go for the older crowd anyway because i don't look like 14 year old. I look his age. How can i get over him? Its going to be hard because I'm kind of going to see him a lot.And oh did i mention my mom is dating his dad? Yeah I know!! A lot going on?! Can you help me out with any of these situations?




  1. right you have got alot going on:P when i was your age i had Exactly! the same problem. i looked older and always went for older guys. when i was 15 i ended up seeing a 23 year old lol. But the truth is at 14-15 you arnt really ready to have s*x, where as what do you think a 19 year old guy is thinking when he's with a guy?  If he'l wait then you'll know that hes genuine but you have to be careful because older boys will expect more from you. As for your school work... you have to think even though you cant be bothered to do it.. do you want to get crappy grades so you end up working in mcdonalds or do want to get a decent grade so you can go somewhere in life. if you go downhill now, you will always regret it. to concentrate on h/w or whatever try doing it with somthing you enjoy, like if you like music listen to it while your doing it, or make certain things into a song so you remember it.  And well if your tired of staying in all the tme, then just ask your mum for a bit more freedom. just ask to go shopping with the girls or to the cinema with your mates. still spend time with her though so your not pushing her aside. i think ive write enough:P lol Goodluck hun x*x

  2. you're 14 you shouldnt be thinking about s*x.

    thats weird that the guy you like's dad is dating your mom. that should be enough weirdness for you to get over him.

  3. Just keep living and grow up(smile)!

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