
Can you help me get to Africa??!!!?

by  |  earlier

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I am a 17-year-old girl going on a missions trip to Africa this summer, 2008, to help spread hope and faith to children and teens who have been affected by AIDS and HIV. I am reall looking forward to my trip, but there is just one thing holding m back...finances. I have to raise about $3,000 in, now, less than three weeks. I will be leaving on June 9th and returning home, after 54 days, on Augut 2nd. I am looking for any help that I can get whether it be a donation of money, supplies for my trip, baskets/supplies/gift cards for a chinese auction I'm having...etc. PLEASE PLEASE I really need YOUR help. For any further information, PLEASE e-mail me and I will be happy to answer any questions you may have. my e-mail is check out my website at NOTE: time for me is running out so the sooner you help, the better...oh and if you would like to donate, please contact me before doing so!ALL DONATIONS ARE TAX DEDUCTION




  1. You should not have volunteered for something you could not afford.  Plenty of volunteer work in our own neighborhoods

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