
Can you help me identify a local wild animal?

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I've just moved into a new apartment, and since living here I've seen this odd animal outside my window on several occasions. I've never seen anything like it (even though I'm from this area - Rhode Island) and I'm very curious as to what it is. Here is the information I have:

Grayish/tan fur - medium length

Longish body

Short legs (4) - sits low to the ground

Short stumpy furry tail

Small head

Small snout and eyes

No visable ears

Out in the day light - several times a day

Seems to be eating the grass

Retreats to a brush like area

On all fours it's about the height of a wild bunny but much longer then one.

If you have any idea of what this could be, please share! I would really like some informational sites that would help me identify this animal. I've tried to get a picture but it's too far away from the window to get a good one.

Thanks for your help!




  1. Woodchuck or ground hog.

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