I searched two bird books and tried two bird ID sites without success. This bird is roughly 4 inches long. It's a trim, slender bird. It's head is brown with no markings. It's back and wings are gray with no markings. It's tail is about as long as its body, with a little V notch at the end, gray with no markings. It has a white throat, a brown chest and a whitish belly. It perched close to the ground. It would hover over one particular place on the ground for several wing beats, a second or two, before flying off then returning to a particular branch. When it first landed, it would bob its tail a few times until it was stabilized then the tail would stay straight, aligned with the body. This bird didn't make any sounds that I was aware of. It almost seemed to be posing for me to identify it. Sometimes a bird catches my eye and I want to identify it. Usually, I find it easily but this one has me stumped. I'm not really a bird watcher, sometimes I just like watching birds.