
Can you help me identify a perching bird?

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I searched two bird books and tried two bird ID sites without success. This bird is roughly 4 inches long. It's a trim, slender bird. It's head is brown with no markings. It's back and wings are gray with no markings. It's tail is about as long as its body, with a little V notch at the end, gray with no markings. It has a white throat, a brown chest and a whitish belly. It perched close to the ground. It would hover over one particular place on the ground for several wing beats, a second or two, before flying off then returning to a particular branch. When it first landed, it would bob its tail a few times until it was stabilized then the tail would stay straight, aligned with the body. This bird didn't make any sounds that I was aware of. It almost seemed to be posing for me to identify it. Sometimes a bird catches my eye and I want to identify it. Usually, I find it easily but this one has me stumped. I'm not really a bird watcher, sometimes I just like watching birds.




  1. This definitely sounds like some sort of flycatcher.  The bobbing of the tail is very common in flycathcers.  Many flycatchers look very similar, so it would be hard to ID with just this description.  Look up Empidonax flycathcers to try and ID it.  Also, would help to know where you can try and it will give you a bird field guide for your zip code to help you narrow it down.  Could also be a type of flycatcher called a Phoebe.  Look at the ones found in your area.

  2. phoebe

    Eastern Phoebe perhaps.

    The eastern phoebe bobs its behind when it perches and this is a good identifier. It is a flycatcher.

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