
Can you help me interpret this dream? =]?

by  |  earlier

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my best friend who wants to join the military and go over to Iraq had a dream that he was over there, and his base got attacked, and everyone was dying and things were blowing up everywhere, and I came out of no where and saved him.

what does this exactly mean?




  1. Anytime something big is about to happen in someone's life they have dreams about the outcomes.  He probably has had good dreams of Iraq or probably will have good dreams if he hasn't already.  Since you're best friends, you're very close and you saving him in his dream probably means he values your opinion on whether or not he should head to Iraq.  In short, he's probably thinking about going to Iraq a lot and that's resulting in dreams of the possible outcomes.

  2. It means your friend is having second thoughts. Although they may not be too prominent, I think anyone who is about to risk their life in order to serve their country will have a thought like this.

    Anyway, the dream is in a normal setting - in his military base - and when he sees everyone around him dying, he feels that he is so overwhelmed and he can't do anything to save them, and then suddenly you come along and rescue him.

    Now it doesn't necessarily mean that he would entrust his life to you...although seeing as how you are best friends that is probably a given...but it represents more a deep fear that he probably hasn't fully recognized - a small fear that one day, if he gets into a situation like the one mentioned above, will he be able to get out? It is something every soldier feels, I am almost positive. Because while he probably trusts his own instincts, it's quite possible that your friend panics under pressure, and in times like that, most people want nothing more than to leave everything to their parents or to the people they trust to get them out of there and into safety.

    Your friend is nervous b/c he wants to be sure that he will have an escape plan should the need arise that he will need to save himself (if, as your friend dreamt, everyone else is dead, who can you count on to help you escape? Only yourself).

    Talk with your friend and ask him if he trusts himself. Then ask him if he does well under pressure. Maybe you will find some answers there.

    Interesting dream, I wish all soldiers out in Iraq the best of luck!


  3. It means that you have the ability to save him, and if he were desinted to die in Iraq, literally, because according to the dream he trusts your abilities enough that you were the person to save him from a life-or-death situation, which is probably what he will face daily in Iraq, so i advise you to stop him from joining the military, because his subconscience clearly thinks its a bad idea to go.

    Hope this helps!

  4. It's a fear dream.  He's really scared, and he's wanting to cling to you -- that's my guess

  5. he is trying to get in your pants...

  6. it is his mind telling him all of the possibilities of what could happen and his mind telling him what could happen to him if he joind the military and he wants an excuse to either not join or a way to get out of it if he does of luck!!!

  7. It means he shouldn't join the military. Because he realizes he'd rather hang with you and he'll probably get shot anyways...

  8. your friend sees you as the saviour.

    The light that comes from darkness.

    It can also mean that you should try to talk your friend out of going there.

  9. well it means he has every bit of trust in you and i really think you should make him think twice about this but what you said it's  his  onward self telling him something will happen something not so good in the near time line

  10. How does this dream impact you?

    Maybe there is a danger in your life and you're not sure how it's going to get solved. But a solution will come "out of nowhere".

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