
Can you help me interpret this dream?

by  |  earlier

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I'm walking down a dark alley where it looks like there has been a party (there are a few people who look drunk lying around on the ground and in chairs) I walk into a sort of gymnasium & two of my friends are there. The girl friend is lying on the ground texting & the boy friend there I go & hug around the waist. The girl says to us "I always knew you two would be together" Still hugging we move away from the girl & slow dance-hug around the gym. Then I realize after a while that I am only holding the jacket of the boy. I then decide that I better go get changed. I go behind a curtain & take off the dress I am wearing, the boy then reappears and I ask him to hand me my jeans. After I get dressed we go back to the "hug- slow-dance" thing and he says to me "well since your family all got something special you should too, a kiss?" He kisses my nose and then on the lips 3 times. Then I woke up suddenly like you would from a nightmare... please help I'm so confused, it felt so real...




  1. It means you are interested in this young man romantically.  You sense that your girl friend also knows that's how you feel, but you're not sure.  You feel he is also interested in you, but you are concerned that it may be your imagination (that's where you are dancing just with his shirt).  Part of your problem is that you feel like everyone else in your family "has someone" and you do not.

    Why don't you just try to get to know this guy better?  Find out what he's interested in, and if those things also interest you, try to become closer and smoke out his feelings also, as well as whether you are truly compatible or whether it's just a physical attraction, or loneliness on your part.

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