
Can you help me make an e-hero deck with my own cards that will crush and wipe out the foe?

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e-hero captain gold x3

h-heated heart x3

e-emergency call x2

r-rightous justice x2

o- oversoul x1

hero flash x1

the warrior returning alive x3

e-hero sparkman x2

hero counterattck x3

bubble blaster x1

e-hero bubbleman x2

e-hero stratos x1

fusion sage x1

reinforcement of the army x3

miracle fusion x1

skyscraper x2

cyclone boomerang x1

feather wind x2

polymerization x3

e-hero wildheart x2

a hero emerges x2

elemental recharge x3

dark factory of mass production x2

e-hero burstinatrix x3

hero barrier x2

e-hero bladedge x3

clay charge x1

burst return x1

dark catapulter x1

e-hero avian x3

wroughtweiler x2

e-hero clayman x3

wave motion cannon x1

bubble shuffle x1

negate attack x1

fifth hope x1

hero blast x1

e-hero neos x2

e-hero mariner x3

winged kuriboh lv 10 x1

winged kuriboh x1

transcendet wings x1

magic cylinder x1

e-hero wild wingman x1

e-hero phoenix enforcer x1

e-hero thunder giant x1

e-hero flamewing man x1

e-hero plasma vice x1





  1. Reinforcement of the Army = LIMITED to 2

    Monsters: 20

    3 Elemental Hero Bladedge

    3 Elemental Hero Captain Gold

    1 Elemental Hero Stratos

    2 Elemental Hero Sparkman

    2 Elemental Hero Wildheart

    2 Elemental Hero Burstinatrix

    2 Elemetnal Hero Avian

    2 Elemental Hero Clayman

    1 Elemental Hero Bubbleman

    1 Wroughtweiler

    1 Winged Kuriboh

    Spells: 17

    2 Skyscraper

    3 Polymerization

    1 Fusion Sage

    1 Miracle Fusion

    2 Reinforcement of the Army

    2 E - Emergency Call

    2 R - Righteous Justice

    2 The Warrior Returning Alive

    1 Fifth Hope

    1 Wave-Motion Cannon

    Traps: 5

    1 Hero Blast

    1 Negate Attack

    1 Magic Cylinder

    2 Hero Counterattack

    Total: 42 cards

    Fusion Deck: 7

    1 Elemental Hero Plasma Vice

    1 Elemental Hero Thunder Giant

    1 Elemental Hero Flame Wingman

    1 Elemental Hero Phoenix Enforcer

    1 Elemental Hero Wild Wingman

    1 Elemental Hero Wild Wingman

    1 Elemental Hero Mariner

    Using the cards you provided, this is the best I could come up with. You should try to aquire a pair of Elemental Hero Oceans as well as 2 more Miracle Fusions.

    Also, look into getting some more defensive traps such as Torrential Tribute, Bottomless Trap Hole and Sakuretsu Armor.

    If you have questions or need more advice, feel free to email me and I'll try to help out.

  2. Quite a strong deck, But whoa to many cards!

    Try keeping it simple with 20 monster Excluding Fusions, 10 spells and 10 traps.

    Sorted decks are much strong than deck that are quite messy.

    Just sort of the quanities of cards and your wil have a great e-hero deck!

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