
Can you help me my heart is breaking?

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im 25 years old my husband has no sperm and we are having sperm donation the think is i cant stop thinking about it i sleep eat walk every think thinking about. and its doing my head in i now this is naughty but iv started to by things because it makes me feel better and one day im happy because i now it will work and the next im in tears because i now it wont work. my bro has had a very pritty girrl and my dad says im dotting over hr and it hurts him seeing me like this how do i stop thinking and acting think this irts doing my head in i feel like im going crazy iv tryed talking t my mum dad and husband and they dot now what to say to make it ok as it hurts them seeing me like this can you avice me what to do. please can you hel me i feel like im going mad and it be nice notto be thinking about it 24 7 please avice or help me




  1. Why not check into foster children?

  2. It seems you have a serious spunk addiction, i would go see a specilist about it, maybe he can help you get over it.

  3. You are becoming obsessive and that is not healthy.

    I suggest seeing your GP and asking for some counsel ling. You need to step back and relax a little as you wont get pregnant being as tense as you are!

    Your family must be finding it hard seeing you suffering this way which is why you need to get some professional help.

  4. Does he really have NO sperm or is it just a low sperm count?  But if you can't have kids, why not adopt?

  5. Try to relax, you have time on your side.  Speak to someone outside of the family if it helps, maybe a counsellor.  I don't see a problem with you doting over your niece, just keep it within reason.

    Maybe you should take a step back and find something else to put your energy into for a while, a sport or social group.  I know you will still yearn for a child but a distraction may help you get some perspective.

  6. When you notice things are getting into a negative loop-you keep having same thoughts over and over - take a break.  Find a way to distract yourself.  Notice the patterns when you are saying the same things over and over to yourself and others. Try to find new ways to deal with your frustration...Write out the problem. Write your options or solutions. Chose among the options and follow one. Doesn't matter if it's right or wrong.  Just break the negative loop.  Some options: listen to beautiful music, dance, check blood sugar to see if it's effecting mood, eat protein snacks, give yourself some flowers or wonderful-smelling candle, see a doctor and check for mild paranoia, write a happiness journal of things you WANT to remember, start listening more to others instead of talking, know that in time everything really WILL work out one way or the other and you can't MAKE it happen so just relax, have a girl's night out, find little ways to show your love for your husband because he is going through tough times too. My husband and I went through this too.  Looking back, I just wished I hadn't driven myself and him crazy.  By the way, we adopted two children.  They are now 22 & 20.  Life DOES have a way of working out the way it's supposed to.  Good luck and God bless.

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