
Can you help me pick out a title for our annual "Beginning of Summer Bar-B-Q"?

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I live in a cul-de-sac, and we get together every year and celebrate the warm weather with tons of food and tons of beer! Its a blast! We block off the whole circle and anyone on the street is invited. This year, its my responsibility to make the flyer and to come up with a title. One thing that I'd like to incorporate is the fact that there's four of us that are providing for this "throw-down" and we all live in the cul-de-sac, AND in order, starting from my neighbors to the right, our last names follow the alphabet; A for the Amidi's, B-for Bailey, C for Collichio and D for Diye. Cool huh?!

Please! Any suggestions welcome! Thanks!




  1. A+B+C+D = the solution for "A" > "C"ul > "D"e > "B"bq. unsquared!!

  2. Flyer:

    How do YOU spell SUMMER?

    A is for Awesome AMIDIs

    B is for BBQ-masters BAILEYs


    D is for DELICIOUS DIYEs

    CUT LOOSE with us on _____ for an AWESOME and DELICIOUS BBQ....

  3. Here's some ideas:

    The (street name)'s Big 4 Throw-down!

    Annual Bar-B-Q Cul-de-sac Day!

    Awesomeness, Beer, Celebration and Debauchery!

    Presented by the Awesome Amidi's, the Beer-drinking Baileys, the Crazy Collichios, and the Dynamite Diyes!

  4. Sounds like a lot of fun :)

    Okay my ideas might stink, but here they are :)

    A,B,C and D's annual BBQ

    Summer's HERE!  and The Amidi,Bailey,Collichio and Diye families are throwing their Annual Shindig!! All <street name> residents are welcome

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