
Can you help me plan my boyfriend's 20th birthday date?

by  |  earlier

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Alright, as struggling college kids (financially), my boyfriend and I agreed to just do something special for our birthdays. Mine was a couple days ago, and he went all old school with the flowers, candles, love music, etc.

He will be 20, and my idea is a picnic at the right time to watch the sunset (maybe the sunset on his teenage years?). We've already watched the sunrise together, but not set. I'm thinking I'll find a location, and set up a blanket with wine glasses (for sparkling juice since we're under aged lol), flowers, and I'll have a candle for when it gets dark. I'm not sure to the food yet, but I have ideas. I would give someone a time to have him there by, and I'd have them pick him up and blindfold him. Then I would meet him and take him to his date.

Now, there's also this dress he's been dying to see me in. It's a fancy dress, so there's not really an opportunity coming up to wear it. I was thinking of wearing it to the park, but that's a little much. How could I incorporate it? I was thinking of driving back to his place, playing music, and blindfolding him again while I changed so we could dance or something? It sounds a bit feminine, so I'd like some help! =) Any tips, suggestions, or comments are appreciated.




  1. thx so much for answering my question!

    ok i like the idea it sounds REALLY romantic!

    food--his favorites would be good

    like the person above said stay away from traffic

    the dress maybe when u take him back to his place u could put it ok ESPECIALLY for him like u said and eat desert?

  2. That sounds so romantic! You've really been doing some serious thinking on this one!

    Watching the sunset is always good, but make sure that the location you pick is away from traffic. If you can find a spot on the water some where, that would be nice.

    Keep the food simple, even if you ordered his favorites from a restaurant and put it in a picnic basket, it would be nice. Don't have anything that won't taste good if it sets for a while.

    Good luck with this, it sounds wonderful!

  3. aw that sounds so perfect!

    wear the dress after so it doesnt get ruined at the park.

    but for food do you guys have like a special resturaunt you guys love(you could get take out and pack it) or like a special food you both love(mac and cheese?)

    if not here are some ideas

  4. That is girl stuff.

    Do something he wants to do.

    It is his birthday dream date, not yours.

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