
Can you help me please, what is the best medicine for nose bleeding?

by  |  earlier

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My husband has nose bleeding once a week, what do you think the cause of it, can you give me an idea on what to use a best medicine or remedy? Thank you so much for your answer.




  1. It isn't normal to get weekly nose bleeds... he should be seen by a doctor.

    When he has one, have him sit upwards and lean forwards (not back) and hold an ice pack to the bridge of his nose for a few minutes (no longer than 10). It should stop the bleeding. As well, he should not blow his nose the remainder of the day his nose bleeds.

  2. use advil the sinus one

  3. My husband had the same problem. He went to emergency with a full cup of blood that was filling fast.

    They cauterized his nose, but they didn't do a great job, and it kept happening.

    Then he made an appt with an Ear-Nose-Throat Specialist and was told to just come in when he had his next nosebleed during business hours. A few days later it happened so we went in.

    He basically cleaned out all the clots out of his sinuses and went up in there and cauterized the h**l out of it.

    The problem was a big vein that was near the surface of the skin WAY up in his sinuses. The doc burned that baby up, and my husband has not had more than a really minor nose bleed since then, and it's been a few years.

    He'd been getting these serious nose-bleeds since he was a teenager.

  4. use a sinus medicine or maybe go get some fresh are that always helps but if ur husband bumped his nose recently that may be why so u might want to see a doctor hope it helped!!!

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