
Can you help me please? Thanks?

by  |  earlier

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Salam, I'm new to yahoo answers..and this section, can you explain to me how this website works and about this section? Because this section looks the most interesting and I'm Muslim aswell lol. Thanks






    Back to your question, just ask questions by clicking on 'ask.' if you need any help or just want to say something random. Answer questions you know the answer to by clicking 'Answer question'

  2. check the help section out :)

  3. Yes All u Need to DO is Click and Read The Link Below ! Its yahoo Community Guide Lines !

  4. w.salaam

    welcome to the Ramadan Section (Best Section) Bro.

    Well here's the deal,

    this is a place (very so cool) where u learn alot of things by asking and answering questions!

    and also, you can make alot of friends..i have made ALOT!

    EDIT: oh and one more thing

    u can connect to ppl and then get to know them

    i connected to you

    check ur inbox....take care

  5. Beware of trolls (There's like 15 trolls on this section. Omar, The beatalic Messiah, Love from Iran and others)

    You ask q's in this section and people answer them. If you find a question interesting, you can give it a star. You can add people on your contact list and any q'd you star can be viewed and answered by your network. You can become people's fan and vice versa. You can contact people on their profile, (if they allow email) and you can block people as well. If you wanna add a contact, visit their profile and click 'add to my contact list'

    Welcome, from a Muslim, Pakistani sister

  6. salam bro : )

    well its quite simple really ..

    1) ASKING Qs :

    click on "ASK" on the top of the page .. type ur Q .. add details (optional) .. categorize ur Q by choosing the category that u think ur Q fits in .. and then click preview and submit !!


    enter the category u want .. read the Qs .. choose the Q u want to answer by clicking on it .. then click answer this Q .. type ur answer and click preview and submit it !!


    u can star a Q u find interesting or u want ur network to answer !

    u can vote (u have to be level 2 to vote) for Qs who have been put to vote !!

    u can add other users to be in ur network by clicking on "add to my contact in their profile " !!

    i think this is all : )

    welcome .. and ramadan mubarak : )

  7. Hey im new to yahoo answers too - i just got the hang of it lol!

    basically you get points for answering peoples questions, and 5 points are deducted every time you ask a question.... and thats about it really!

    btw its really addictive :| loool....

  8. just ask random questions, and youll fit right in

  9. welcome bro, well you just did the first step by posting a question,,

    Ramadan Mubarak

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