
Can you help me??? please??

by  |  earlier

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how can i control this psychics?? see im psychic but i keep seeing the dead and people dying and knowing when people are going to die?? can you help me control this or give me advice?? please?

Thankyou if you can. :]




  1. I cant ut maybe these people can.What have you got to lose.Although how old are you?Normally this manifests at an early age.

  2. you should see a psychiatrist or go to the emergency room asap

  3. you should consult an expert.

  4. Hey lil ghost You answered my question before thank-you very much!!! Um I feel very sorry for you that you see this and I'm happy that I didnt put my picture up for you to see I don't know If I want to know when Im gonna die! Um if they're worrying you be calm and go and see a doctor or go to the emergencey ward of your local hospital. Hope your ok!!

  5. Are you serious? Well if you are you should try to get to a really good psychic, (although I dont really believe in most of them) you should really try to do your research, this is so strange but anyways, try talking to people who can help.I cannot tell you how to control it, but my advice is, either see a doctor or a psychic whichever works.

    Take care sixth sense person :l

  6. don't go to a psyciatrist or however you spell it. they will put you on so much medication you'll be seeing double the stuff. Chances are nobody will believe you and you will be deemed harmful and insande and you will be put away. I am being serious try to deal with it yourself or accept i know it is tough but i know how these people are and you are risking everything by going to them. The more the doctors can prescribe the more appointments they make the more money they get.

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