
Can you help me please.?

by  |  earlier

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Ok so this month im giving it my all with trying to concieve! Yesterday was my first day of my period, i have 28day cycles, so would i be correct on thinking that if i *baby dance* on the 9th everyday till the 15th this will give me the best possible hope?

Also any advice on maxmizing chances of concieving would be great! :D




  1. Do the 'baby dance' everyday.

  2. the best advice i can give you is have s*x every second day, that gives him time to build up the sperm while still giving you the best odds. and keep doing it until you get a positive preg test.

  3. hi there!

    check , it helped me a lot while trying to conceive.

    Try the free ovulation calendar that it has.

    Have s*x every other day, relax, fuel up in folic acid - ask your doctor also  - and i am sure everything will be ok!!!!

    Best wishes

  4. get a basal thermometer. take your temp each day 1st thing before you get up. when it fluctuates your ovulating.  

  5. Yes, it does give you a big chance to get prego, but before that date, make sure you don't do anything for at least 3-4 days so your man can preserve his swimmers and they can be very fast and strong and make him eat shrimp, i heard it helps!

  6. I think you are most likely to concieve around the 13th.  I was told that doing the "baby dance" every day was bad for conceiving.  Your man needs to build up his supply!  Every 2 to 3 days is recommended.  The sperm can live inside you for a couple of days aswell if the egg isn't quite there yet.

    Make sure you are eating healthy and getting plenty of excericise as that helps fertility.  Cut down on caffeine and alcohol and smoking if you smoke.  

    Start taking folic acid every day too, to prevent spinal defects in baby too!

    Good Luck!!

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