
Can you help me ????

by  |  earlier

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I am 29 years old and my real father I have just found after all these years. He retired and owes me and my brother alot of money not to mention my mother too. I know his location and I know that he is retired what can I do ???




  1. Unless you loaned him money, he does not owe you.

    He may owe your mother child support, but one of child support's funnest features is that it does not go to the child.

  2. Unless there was a child support order in effect that he didn't pay, he doesn't legally owe anything.  If there was an order, he owes your mother, not you.  Probably not much you CAN do.

  3. If you have just found him how does he owe you any money?  Do you mean he didn't support you as a child?

    There is nothing you can do except accept that life isn't perfect, and get on with your life.

  4. call your lawyer

  5. 1. sik a lawyer on him

  6. If he signed an agreement to pay your mother child support and did not then you might have a case (unless there is a statute of limitations issue).  Seek legal advice.

    If there was no legal agreement, but a verbal agreement, then you are most likely out of luck.
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