hey everyone ,i want to talk about my brother and i need you to tell me what we should do ,he is 20 years old,and he destroying our life ,and especially my mom ,today she cried ,he don't know anything about life he can't write very good and he don't know anything about money ,which means he can't work and get a job ,he don't know how to talk with people he have the old person like the child ,which means he doesn't respect the people who deserve to respect and my dad is vip ,and every body talking about him how can that be his son ,and he is the only son,and he is hurting us ,he is like a child and we can't bare this life with him ,we want him to get marry (any girl will accept because my dad as i said vip)but how can we let him marry if he even can't get a job ,and he left the school early ,i need help for my mom and i appreciate any answer . thank you a lot