
Can you help me start the essay for Ateneo?

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"Are there any significant experiences you have had, that helped to define who you are?"

I just need some ideas on how to start it. SHould I begin already with my experience? Should I put some intro.? Please help.




  1. i see that you're very much worried about getting in ATENS.

    but i tell you. you SHOULDN'T BE.

    don't stress yourself.

    ( moving on )

    every subject should start with a brief, but eloquent intro.

    also, you shouldn't just throw everything in one blow,

    because that would be sOoOOo bOoOOOoOring

    ( sure you can. but it's not ideal ).

    you might end up giving the reader the impression,

    that you're just popping off.

    one more thing.

    there's no need to be so formal about your wordings.

    you don't have to put such deep sh*ts

    ( that you alone might not undestand well ),

    to make you look like a genius.

    honestly, essays are there to reveal our personality.

    just be natural. BUT don't go beyond the limits.

    AND don't write anything fictitious

    --it will make you look bad.

    significant experiences i have had huh?

    hmh.. let me take a look at my brain first. *_*

    aww. i'm sorry i didn't find any. kidding.

    i guess there's no need for me to tell you mine,

    since it might confuse you.

    you see, my life is more than complicated. @_@

    ahh! i almost forgot.

    make sure to preserve the goodwill.

    that will leave a lasting impression to the reader.

  2. Well I'm in college and were told to do all essays, reports etc. in a certain way.

    Front Cover


    Story, Findings, Opinions Etc.

    Then Finish With A Conclusion

    And if you used any website or books then put a Bibliography at the end where you put in the URL's of any address's or any books you used.

    Good Luck.

  3. I'd like to suggest a first paragraph for your essay.  You do the rest, okay?

    "What I am now is a young man hungry for knowledge that would prepare me for the real world.  Four years from today, I'd like to be able to shout at the top of my voice "I am a true blue Atenean and just like all the graduates before me, I am now ready to embark on a career for which this great institution has prepared me."

    The succeeding paragraphs should be about your experiences growing up that contributed to who you are now.  You may include how your parents or other teachers have influenced you...  stuff like that.

    Good luck.

  4. start by saying like: in this essay i hope to achive :

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