I am buying a present for my new bf (male, 30). For some reasons it has to be a cologne, and I want it to be a well chosen and best matching one. I tried to find out which colognes he prefers but all i found out is that he doesn't like it to be too strong or too flowery, or girlie or spicy. I decided to go for something that fits those criteria and is also something which I like its smell, and which would match his character (he is more square thna hip, more formal than casual).
I made a thorough research and ended up with three perfumes, all of them smell so nice and I can't decide which to buy.. so I decided to depend on your advice , so here are the three colognes I wish to choose from. Vote for the one you like ( or add your own suggestion if you have something better in mind). Thank you very much:
1-Chanel Allure
2-Armani Code
3- Abercrombie Fierce
thank you.