
Can you help me think of believable excuses?

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Alright... I was really depressed a while ago, and long story short, there's a pretty nasty cut on my arm. I'm a lot better now, but now I'm at school and people are saying "Woa! What happened to your arm?!" And I don't really know what story to go with. It's not a clean razor cut, it's more like a nasty jagged thing going on. What are some good stories that would explain them?

I'm not emo, I swear I'm not, I'm usually a bubbly happy person... I'm not emo!




  1. -got pushed into a bush

    -wet floor, slipped and hit the end table

    -my neighbor's cat

    -summer camp

    -little brother/sister got a knife

  2. You were walking and you got clipped by a bike messenger carrying a 10 inch blade.

  3. 1 you are emo u cut ur self

    maby not any more tho

    say over the summer u wrecked ur bike doing a flip and your arm landed on a jaged rock

  4. you put it through some glass. on accident.

  5. why did u cut ur self. hurting your self only makes things worse.......

    u tried to skate... u cant... u fell on glass shard......u got scare..... u will never skate again...  

  6. Tell them you scraped it on a sharp edged picnic table.

    Then go get yourself some help. You obviously know you have a problem that will only get worse if it's not resolved. Do something good for yourself and talk to a counselor or a doctor. It's not against the law to cut yourself. They're not going to put  you away. Your problem can be treated by professionals who deal with this all the time. Get some help.

  7. got snagged on nail on a door frame

  8. well you could say u cut it on a rusty fence and it got infected. or something like that. just be creative

  9. maybe something with vodka, barbwire, and a cow... good luck with that one.

  10. Say your cat scratched you.  I used that one once when a girlfriend scratched the heck out of my arm after having a jealous fit.

  11. You were babysitting (happily, of course) and the baby bit you.

  12. My boyfriend did the same thing just a few weeks ago, but he put words shin fein?? something like that, he was really drunk at the time & now totally regrets it. Like everyone said keep ur answer short & change the subject it really none of their bussines, but of course there curious. I will tell my bf some of these exuses as he is worried as to what to tell people.. Take care sweetie, it will all blow over

  13. I'm not sure what emo means but here is an excuse.  I was carrying a bunch of groceries into the kitchen.  My mom had just mopped the floor and I slipped.  I tried to catch myself to keep from falling but I hit the window with one of the bags of groceries.  the window shattered and I cut my arm on the jagged glass.

  14. tell people you fell down the stairs...JK tell them instead of using a razor you were drunk and used a seraded knife to cut yourself

  15. well i don't about you say... you fell out of a tree and your arm landed on a sharp rock and you had to be rush to the emergency room for a long time (or how ever long you were gone or whatever)

    good luck and don't do that again! :)

  16. u ran into a tree branch sticking out ( fell outta a tree), cat scratch( i have tons, but noone believes me lol), fell on concreate w/little rock. um. . . nail sticking outta wall.  the truth...

  17. don't hurt your self find other ways to let it out. i would say i cut it helping clean up the yard/garage...what ever

  18. you were moving wooden crates around for your dad and u snagged your arm on a nail

  19. Glad to hear you are not emo.  Those kids bug me.

    So- This actually happens to me- so you may can use it...say your shaving razor slipped out of your hand when you were shaving- and you cut yourself.  

    Also- when you decide on your excuse- stay away from too many details.  Just say "not sure, it happened in a freak leg shaving incident"  and leave it at that.  The more details you put in- the more of a lie it will seem.

    Use the KISS system- Keep it simple sister.

  20. Say you cut it on a saw fixing something around the house. But seriously, you should get some counselling for that action. Just don't tell the counselor that part- because then they might put you on klonopin and commit you. But if you have done that- cutting yourself- hurting yourself- the next time you might go all the way. Get help now. Just talking to a family counselor or a psychologist and deal with the anger. Cutting is no way to deal with it. You have to find another, healthier way to deal.

  21. i got hit by a jagged base ball lolololololol!!!!

  22. Caught on a fence. I've been caught on a fence and it looked like that.

  23. I'd be happy to answer your question, but I'm unclear on what you mean by "emo"?  Is this a new-age term?

    Sorry, I know this doesn't answer your question.

  24. I really like the cat scratching ideas, but saying your cat bit you could work too. Cause some people's cats (like my demon cat) were declawed and figure out to attack you viciously with their fangs instead.

    Once, I had a cat bite on my CHEEK that was like...2 1/2 inches long. Just because my cat got p*ssed I was carrying him...he hates me lol.

  25. fell off a lawn mower. etc...

  26. How about "I fell down" and then look at them squarely in the eye.  Why do you need an elaborate story?  That's one of the great things about being an adult. You realize nobody needs a long explanation, just a simple one.  It's much more believable if you keep it short and simple.

  27. Say you got a new cat in the summer, but it still had its claws and it attacked you and then it wouldnt stop and you had to take it back.

    Cats really can attack you if they arent tame

  28. First of all, there are other ways to let out your anger/depression but I wont judge you or anything. Just say that your cat (or neighbors cat) is the devil and he scratched you!

  29. You fell off your bike and cut it on some glass?

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