
Can you help me to find a sponcer for a motocross rider?

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My friend need a sponcer quickly he is ranked 2nd in the country in 2007 but now his career going to go down as he didn't get good encourage. Please help me to encourage him to find a good sponcer which can help him in local and international races.




  1. I agree with Wiggy also, if he was really ranked 2nd everyone would be fighting to sponsor him. Also, sponsors aren't that easy to get either, your friend really has to prove himself to them and then they will sponsor you.  

  2. " Sponsor " Please spell it correctly if you want one.

    If he is 2nd in the country, he should have company's fighting to sign him.

    He needs to ask company's for their help.

    What country are you ?  

  3. if your friend is ranked 2nd in the country, he should already have some sponsors of some sort.....

    I am a mediocre rider at best, and I have a list of sponsors....

  4. I agree with Wiggysan and SWT if your friend is ranked 2nd in his country then he should have no trouble at all getting sponsors.  They should be lining up to sponsor him.  

    I also don't understand why you are trying to get one for him.  Perhaps tell your friend to start looking for his own sponsor as that is part of the sport, being able to present yourself and make yourself suitable for a sponsor to take you on.

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