
Can you help me to understand civil libertarians?

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it is my experiance with civil libertarians that they are single minded non comunity minority who hold no responsibilty for their actions

can someone educate me as to what they are TRUELY about as i keep missing their objective




  1. Seems to me civil libertarians are only interested in rights, not responsibilities!

  2. Get a life!

    Thats just what you wrote to me!!

    How do you like it when someone writes back!?

  3. This isn't true. It's mostly a widespread myth. If you saw the interview of Ron Paul on Glen Beck a few weeks ago, Beck asked Paul this same question.

    See the link below"

  4. I guess you would have loved Stalin.  No liberties and a great "everyone sacrifice for the good of the community" attitude.

    Civil liberties are the rights that allow us to not be arrested for no reason, allow us to speak/think/vote as we like, allow us to worship as we like, allow us to criticize and change the government if it needs it.  I kind of like those things.  Bush apparently thinks they are dangerous.

  5. Libertarians want liberty. Liberty is freedom. Freedom is inversely proportional to the size and scope of government. More govt = less freedom and vice versa. Your relationship with the state is never voluntary. Libertarians believe in community and charity just like most other people. The difference is whether or not the govt is forcing the issue.

  6. People with many different positions and motivations may call themselves civil libertarians.  Generally, they should be trying to protect some rights of individuals in society.  "Libertarians" are not quite the same; libertarians (in politics) are those who believe in very limited government, often including strong support for civil liberties.

    If it looks like they're always arguing for a minority or fringe issue, that may be because minority rights are more often in jeopardy or because fringy issues are more interesting to the press and get more airplay.

    To understand a group's motivation in a particular case, it's best to read that group's arguments, sometimes it also helps to see who's paying their bills.

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