
Can you help me understand or debunk this?

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Last night around 10PM I was wide awake and doing some stuff on the computer. Nothing important, but I was busy with it. I heard someone whispering in my ear. The first time they said, "Hey". The voice was very manly. I got frightened and immeditely ran to turn the lights on. About 10 minutes later they whispered another "hey" to me. By that time my hamster which is in a cage on my nightstand next to me started squealing and making loads of noise. He never usually does that at night. He is usually sound asleep in a ball by that hour. I was so scared I slept with the lights on, but when I woke up my covers were pulled off me. What was this?




  1. Do you have neighbors close by?  Perhaps it was someone in another room and it just sounded as though it was in the same room.  I live in an apartment, and at times, it sounds as though my neigbours are right here.  My son thought he heard someone call him several times, convinced it was coming from someone in his room, but it turns out it was just the neighbours talking in their apartment, so that was my first thought when I read your query.

    If you don't have neighbours that close, I would get a recorder, and see if you pick anything else up.

  2. your house could be haunted. it could also be that you're being haunted by a demon. also could be a poltergeist.

  3. Hm, maybe a spirit followed you back from Gettysburg?

  4. Sounds like you may have a ghost. Buy a recorder and see if you catch it on tape. Also, if you have a video camera or a digital camera, try taking pictures in the area you hear the voice in.  

  5. looks like you got a ghost living with you and animal can sence paranormal activity

  6. Wow i bet that was scary especially when your hamster was making noises when he is usually asleep.My mom died unexpectedly and sometimes my phone rings and when i say hello nothing and in a few second the operater comes on and says if you want to make a call hang up and try again.My son was in the hospital last week and when we got home it happened and i say Hi mom we miss you as i know it's her.

  7. it sounds like you have a ghost in your house. what i do for things like this is get a polaroid camera (the kind of camera that the picture comes out of the front when you take a picture) and take pictures all around your house. it might pick up the image of a ghost and by that you can see if your house might have a ghost in it.

  8. The human brain is very good at making patterns out of random noise.  We're especially good at seeing faces (think face on the moon) and at interpreting speech.  This phenomenon is known as 'pareidolia'.  What you experienced was nothing more than a typical case of pareidolia.  Your brain interpreted some random sound as the word "Hey", which reinforced any subsequent sounds as the word "Hey".

    Your hamster could have been squealing for any reason.  Maybe he squeals more often than you think, but you just noticed it this time because it was in the context of something "unusual" going on (this is known as confirmation bias).

    Waking up without covers on you is hardly supernatural.  People do toss and turn in their sleep.  Since you were already scared that night, you may have had a particularly restless sleep and just kicked the covers off yourself.

    This whole episode can be explained by a number of common errors in reasoning, specifically Pareidolia and Confirmation Bias.  I wouldn't sweat it.  Maybe do a little research into confirmation bias and pareidolia so that next time you can better understand what's really going on and not jump to the supernatural.

  9. didn't worry,just pray ,make cross what happen about ur cover it is by u

  10. well the first "hey i would guess its was a simple case of matrixing you really did hear something and your brain processed it as a voice saying hey as for the second i think that one was you playing tricks on your self

    we've all had those moments after watching horror movies we know nothing is there but ever shadow has something in it once you got the ball rolling with the first one the second was easy to hear

    as for your hamster most hamsters are nocturnal so your being asleep during the night and up during the day is fairly weird in its self put it making noises doesn't really mean much i'd bet your hamster makes a lot of noise but if your not listening for it you just tune it out

    as for the covers could be you just kicked them off while you sleep

    if it makes you feel better get a tape recorder and keep it on for a few hours  and see how much clanks and bangs we just tune out

    if you catch anything send it my way and ill listen to it for you

  11. Unexpected air drafts can make sounds that can sound like "hey."  However it can be attributed to fatigue with you being on the computer.  Or even a minor change in the frequency of the computer's fan.

    Just like humans, even hamsters can do things unexpectedly or out of character.

  12. Q. I think my house is haunted, for real. What should I do?

    A. First, you eliminate the natural explanations. Is anyone in the house on drugs? Seriously, are they? I've known quite a few pot smokers who had a "ghost" in their house. Stop taking drugs, and the ghosts will go away. Does the ghost only seem to bother certain people? A child who wants attetion? An elderly person in the first stages of alzheimers? Schitzophrenics often live in "haunted houses" and talk to aliens too. Is there a source of running water nearby? A noisy aquarium pump turned out to be the "ghost" in one house I know of. If the occurences can't be eliminated by natural explanations, then you should call in a minister to bless the house. DO NOT call anyone with an occult or New Age background, because it won't do any good, and will probably make your situation much worse. Coventer's Prison in England had a problem with visitors being attacked by unseen forces in the late 1990's. They called in a spiritualist "minister" (i.e., a medium) to exorcise the place. The medium pronounced the place cleared, but of course it didn't work. He died a few days later, and the occurences were worse than ever. They finally closed the site to visitors, because of the unexplained marks and cuts visitors kept getting! I also know of someone who thought they had ghosts in their home and called in some Wiccans to do a "cleansing ritual". The situation only got worse. Don't get occultists involved. No Wiccans, Voodooists, Santerios, Canduras, "white witches", ceremonial magicians, Rosicrucians, Theosophists, Cabalists, spiritualists, psychics, "spiritual advisors", or anything like that. These people think they know a lot, they'll act like they do, but they don't (I'm not being mean, I'm being honest).

    Get a Christian minister from a Bible believing church (no Mormons, Unitarians, JW's, Unity, or other cults). Chances are there is one close by. If they don't want to handle it for some reason, call someone else. Get out a phone book if you have to. It won't be hard to find someone who can help you.

  13. What I would suggest is buying a recorder. Tape recorder, digital recorder, anything should do. As an experiment, leave the house and turn the recorder on. Also, I would keep it on periodically when you are at home, especially any place you hear the voice. What you are looking for is Electronic Voice Phenomenon. Or EVP. EVP is a widespread phenomenon, and if you look it up on google, you will find scads of information about it. But you are in no danger or anything like that. Don't worry. But do be curious.

    Let us know how it turns out!  

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