
Can you help me with a Routine for my 19 month toddler?

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Can you tell me your daily routine for a 19mo toddler?





  1. First take a good look at what you and your child do daily now. Write it out on paper. Then look at that to see what kind of regular routine will work best for you and your child.

    If you want the child to have a regular naptime - set one and put him down at that time every day. If you want a regular bedtime set it and keep at it.

    Do what works for you - my schedule and yours may not be the same at all.

  2. toss out the idea of routine and do what feels natural.  include plenty of play time, quiet time, and meals.  relax and enjoy parenthood.

  3. I have a home daycare and I currently have an 18 month old in my daycare Here is his daily routine.  I use the same e routine for all children in my daycare (except infants, of course) and it works really well.

    6:30~ he gets up and has a cup of milk

    8:00~ breakfast

    9:00~ outside play

    9:30~small snack

    11:30~ lunchtime

    12:00-2:30 or3:00 ~ nap time

    3:30~ snack

    4:00~outside play

    6:00 ~dinner

    7:30~ bath and bedtime routine

    8:00~ bedtime

    I didn't fill in all the things we do in between all those times because I assumed you meant in general.  Hope this helps.  If you need more details, I can give them to you.

  4. my daughter is 19 months too.

    wakes up at 8 am

    breakfast at 830

    9am she watches cartoons

    10am we go for a walk to the park

    12 lunch

    1230 nap

    330 snack

    345 we do art or some other form of hands on fun

    430 she plays while i cook

    5ish dinner

    530 watch tv

    630 bath

    700pm read to her and get her settled down

    715-730 she is in bed untill the next morning

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