
Can you help me with a name for my g/f's business?

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Hey, Everyone!

My girlfriend is starting up her own business.

We are trying to come up with a business name, but everything we think of is c**p! LOL!

Her business is her artwork (ie. murals, paintings, portraits) ... and specializes in: fairies, dragons, mermaids, unicorns, etc.

Can you think of a name for the business? Her name is Lori. Should her name be put in the company name?





  1. what about...LORI'S FANTASY............OR FANTASIA

  2. I am a musician I have to come up with names for songs and stuff

    Do you want something simple like " Lori's Fantasy Artwork " ormaybe check out some Rainbow or Dio lyrics for a catch phrase  they sing about dragons, castles fantasy stuff like that

  3. How about Ethereal?

    1 a : of or relating to the regions beyond the earth b : CELESTIAL, HEAVENLY c : UNWORLDLY, SPIRITUAL

    I like it...but I think it will also depend on the area in which your business lies.  What are the stores like surrounding the business?  What sort of clientele do they serve? What is your clientele and what sort of vibe do you want your store to have? I think it is important to think about all of these things before you choose a name, as the name should give people n idea of what your store will be like before they enter.  

    On a personal note, I am generally against putting someone's name in the title, because then it seem like you have to make it kitschy.

  4. Fantasy Land

  5. Mystic Studios

    -Murals, Paintings, and Portraits


    Enchanted Studios

    Gallery of the Enchanted

    The only problem with using her name is it says nothing about her business or business theme

    Medieval Brushworks

    The Mystical Brush

    Medieval Paintwerks

    Paintwerks   or Paintwerkz

    Guildcraft Studios

    Guildcraft Portraits and Murals

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