
Can you help me with ideas for my "magic T-shirt" story?

by Guest33560  |  earlier

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I feel like writing a story about a woman who is wearing a tucked-in T-shirt and tightly belted jeans but she decides to take off the T-shirt and there is another one underneath and it is tucked in also. She keeps taking off layers of shirts, all of them tucked in until she takes them off. Finally, she comes to the last layer and it is somehow stuck and she cannot take it off for a long time, if at all.

I'm looking for interesting ideas as to details. Anything you can tell me will serve as influence.

#1: How many layers of T-shirts does she have on?

#2: How long does it take for the last layer to come off and/or does it stay stuck indefinitely?

#3: Where is she when this is happening?




  1. 1. 17 layers.

    2. Stuck indefinitely.

    3. Hawaii.

    What is the point, BTW?

  2. She has 12 layers of t-shirts on and she is in rural indiana where she has a few friends but they are fading fast. Her family has moved away and long since cut contacts with her. She's 38, white, stringy, and a raging alcoholic. It is present day however. She has left the bar scene and her last boyfriend took off with the Camaro, leaving her landlocked and lonely. Every layer is something she is struggling to overcome - the first being after her last night of drinking where she comes to realize she is paralyzed by booze. Each sequential shirt is another step of the AA 12 step program. She tries to put her life back together and each shirt becomes easier to take off.  The last one NEVER comes off because she relapses and finds in the morning, through a cloud of a wicked hangover, that she has more t-shirts on again. But, nevertheless, she is happy.  

  3. 1.5 layers

    2.takes a month

    3. somewhere really hot


  4. are u trippin?

  5. Read the book, inspired by the advertisement, based on a music video...

    Can't you just rip off Tolkien like everyone else?

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