
Can you help me with my Biology?

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My assignment is to choose a habitat and make a food web from organisms in that habitat.

Organisms:Grass, rabbit, deer, fox, wolf, snake, bear, and mountain lion (in no particular order)

Question 1: Can all of these animals live in the same location/habitat? If not, tell me which ones can't.

Question 2: What location/habitat would these organisms live in (for example a forest, plains, savannas)?




  1. Ans 1: They can. Because they can fill the niche in their habitat.

    Ans2: Savana

  2. i would choose a forest or wooded area

    and make the web in this order


    rabbit and deer

    fox and wolf and snake

    bear and mountain lion

    because all these animals can be found in a forest and bears can eat foxes and foxes can eat rabbits, etc.

  3. I don't think mountain lions and rabbits live in the same area.

  4. Question 1, yes, all these animals could live within the same habitat and I'm sure there are many places on the earth where they do.

    Question 2, I would envisage all these animals living in an area that has large undisturbed forests but with grass areas. I think areas like the Rocky Mountains would be about right. It can't be too far north because the snakes would not thrive in a cooler climate. But not too tropical because the grass would be too coarse to support the rabbits.

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