
Can you help me with my Dream Questions?

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I keep having dreams about me and another person(whose been on my mind alot) dating. This person has reoccured in a week of dreams so common things in my dreams is:









Talking(he can talk to me and vice versa)


So what I'm asking is Why does he reoccur?Does any of the stuff listed mean anything?It all looked recent,we were about the same age, same height everything. So can you help me?




  1. Unfortunately, any dream cannot be interpreted by giving a list of items in it.  There is some story, disconnected, awkward, nevertheless, there's a thread in most dreams that ties it all together.  Your dream is predicated by the fact you think about this person often so really, it is a dream arising from self.  It is not prophetic.  Dreams tend to play upon our thoughts or vice versa.  This list of words is not worth looking up on any site without providing the content of events.


  2. Well I can assume that you want to meet someone like him: if he seems like your type. Texting, emailing symbolize basically the communication that ppl you today to keep in touch; love, color, daytime, fair, and friends all basically are happy things that you will want in a date. You want someone that likes you and respects your friends. I think the fair has something to do with wanting the guy to take you by surprise and have the day all to yourself riding rides and eating together and so forth. Its a very good dream:) Hope this helps!God bless.

  3. There isn't really anything that needs interpretation. You have a real crush on this person and they are in your waking and dreaming states.  

  4. The person is your spirit guide, and they want to communicate with you.  (That explains the texting and emailing.)

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