
Can you help me with my dog??

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she is 3 and a labrador she got a cough of another dog and she spits on the floor is there anything that can help not the vet that will be when it gets worse or as a last resort




  1. when an animal is ill that should be the 1st place you take them

    you dont know if its life threatening or not

    if you really care about your dog you will want to get it sorted

    there is no medication on the market for an illness that you dont know what it is

    plus if anyone finds out you are not taking him to the vet you can get prosecuted for cruelty and face prison or a fine or even both.

  2. Yes it is almost certainly kennel cough and the 'spitting' you note is in fact more gagging from the infection which is centred in the trachea.

    This is a highly contagious infection and which will last for anything between 10-20 days.

    You need to consult your vet because antibiotics are necessary to clear up what will otherwise put stress on your dog's immune system.

    But be ready for your vet's criticism of you not having had your lab vaccinated to begin with.A kennel cough vaccination is cheap and simple

    (In fact a quick nasal spray).

    It needs to be done every 12 months along with other mandatory vaccinations and is a part and parcel of  owners' responsibility towards their dog-whatever the breed

  3. if you love your dog take it to the vet sounds like kennel cough.urgent vet treatment.good luck.

  4. Sounds to me like your dog has caught kennel cough, which is highly contagious, and also very bad for dogs.  Take your dog to the vet now please.

  5. Actually, the vet is your first and only solution.  If you wait, you will have a much larger bill to pay and possibly an irreversible problem.

  6. oh no i had that problem aswell it is really hard to take care of a dog/puppy when they get a disease from another pet.

    what you can do is go to the vet and ask for; coremto medicine witch can make your poor labroador better and healthier and this medicing also gives vitamins, and because they cant just drink medicine you have to put 1 spoonfull into its food and mix it.


  7. Sounds like Kennel Cough which is doing the rounds big time in various parts of the UK at the moment.  If ONLY people would keep their affected dogs at home.  This usually passes okay with the basically healthy dog.  It's serious for young puppies and the oldies.  However, if your dog deteriorates, he may need some antibiotics.  This is a virus however, so you can only treat the symptoms.  Benylin, child dose, is good to help relieve the coughing, but basically you just have to sit it out, and keep an eye on her.  If you do take her to the vet - PLEASE do not take her into the waiting room.  Leave her in the car outside (or keep her outside away from other dogs) until your vet is ready to see you.  Explain the situation to the receptionist when you arrive, she will (should) appreciate your thoughtfulness!   And your dog will still be infectious (or is it contageous - I never remember  lol) for a while after the symptoms clear, so continue to keep her away from other dogs for a bit after she's better.

    Wretched bug!  - and don't beat yourself up about perhaps not having had a shot for this - it's a virus and like flu in humans, it mutates so even if your dog is 'protected' chances are that will only reduce the symptoms, not prevent it from picking up the bug of the moment that's going the rounds.

  8. Sounds like kennel cough, it is unpleasant but she should recover. I would phone your vet, not go in as it is very contagious between dogs.

    You can vaccinate against it (many kennels insist on this before a dog can stay). The vaccine makes dogs small awful for a few hours as it stimulates cells near their backside :(

  9. Sometimes alot of us wind up with a pet we can not afford to take to the vet.  I don't mean that hateful, I've been there with me pets before.  This sounds strange...dogs, do get colds like people, but they also get heartworms from mosqitoes and develop a cough & vomit.  This will kill your dog.  You need to see if a local shelter or humane society will help you out with a vet visit, or maybe they will set up payments you can afford.  good luck.  please take care of the dog...

  10. 1small spoon of venos twice a day or take her to the vet

  11. Sounds like he could have kennel cough. This is treated with antibiotics, so you should take your dog to the vet ASAP!

    The primary symptom of kennel cough is a dry, spasmodic cough which is caused by the inflammation of the dog's trachea and bronchi. Coughing spells will often result in the dog coughing up a white and foamy discharge. Some dogs will also develop conjunctivitis - an inflammation of the membrane that lines the eyelids. Nasal discharge may also be present. In effect, the dog appears to have a very nasty cold or flu. As stated above, the disease is rarely serious and almost never life-threatening. Still, if you have seen any of these symptoms or have reason to believe that your dog has or has been exposed to kennel cough, you should consult your vet immediately.

    Your vet will be able to diagnose kennel cough with a physical examination and medical history.  

  12. It is important you take to the vet to verify if Kennel Cough as it can easily turn to pneumonia.  The kennel cough is not that expensive to treat... just some antibiotics.  If it turns to pneumonia can cost upwards of $500.  I know this from personal experience in that we are fostering a rescue dog that arrived with bad coughing.  It had been kennel cough that now switched to pneumonia.  

    The poor thing had to go to the vet every day for almost 2 weeks to get nebulizer treatments.  Even with the discount that the vet gave since this is a fostered rescue dog, it cost over $450 just for those treatmens, excluding the antibiotics AND x-rays!

    As someone else posted, ALWAYS check with your vet with anything that lasts more than a couple of days prior to it becoming an even more serious condition!

  13. sounds like kennel cough which is highly contagious, ring the vet for advise as Im sure they would be hesitant about bringing the dog into the surgery as it would be passed to all other dogs in there.

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