
Can you help me with my government homework?

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For my AP government summer work I'm supposed to follow the news over the summer and find 2 current events: One should deal with a conflict or power struggle between different branches of government (Congress & President, President & courts, Congress & courts), and the other should concern a conflict or power struggle between the national government and a state(s).

The only problem is I couldn't find anything relevant. Please help.




  1. I don't know if this will help any, but there was a big whoo ha about executing a Mexican man in Texas not that long ago. The supreme court did approve, but I think the executive branch in Washington wanted to hold off the execution. Idk if you have any idea what Im talking about, but this might be a state vs national government  

  2. Ok, for the conflict between the national government and a state, try legalized marijuana in california (versus national drug laws) or the legalization of g*y marriage (versus governmental one man, one woman laws).  For the president versus courts, try the new attempt to make plan B inaccessible by allowing pharmacists and other doctors to not proscribe or give out plan B, whereas the courts ruled in Wade Vs. Roe that abortion is legal.

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