
Can you help me with my mom's wierd dreams?

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My mom dreams many things. Many of those things become true.laugh all you want, I used to laugh until the morning of September 11, 2001. My mom is a strong believer in God, but she isn't a religious freak. Anyways, on the morning of 9/11, she woke up and told me," I had the wierdest dream. I dreamed that I saw two tall trees, and white doves covered in blood were falling." I called her wierd and made fun of her. So she went to work. I was still getting ready to go to school. I turned the T.V. on, and about 6-7 minutes later, they gave the breaking news on the attacks. That afternoon, when I got home, she confronted me and said" I told you so" while she was crying.

I know it seems weird, but i want to know what do you guys think? And don't make fun of her, she's a smart lady.




  1. It sounds like your mother's dreaming awareness of coming precipitations of Light and Energy is often placed into cups of images that are symbolic (two tall trees, white doves covered in blood falling).

    This is similar to Nostradamus' quatrains, which are clear after the events have coalesced.

    The Princeton PEAR project found statistically significant awareness a few hours ahead of the 9-11 attack:

    Precognitive dreaming is a widely-experienced talent.  People who keep dream diaries often find specific precognitive dream events playing out in their coming week's outer waking consciousness activities.

    You might read one or more of the following (via interlibrary loan at the public library), and gift your mom with one you believe she'd appreciate:

    "Watch Your Dreams," Ann Ree Colton;

    "The Master of Lucid Dreams," Dr. Olga Kharitidi;

    "The Masters and Their Retreats," Mark Prophet;

    "The Great Divorce," C. S. Lewis;

    "Testimony of Light," Helen Greaves. and are also good.

  2. well i think dats cool!!

    knowin wat will happen

    is awsome!!

    i think maybe cuz she strongly believes in god,

    god shows her wat will happen the next day.

    n then it happens

  3. Some people have gift like that, it's a blessing, I will suggest you don't throw it away if you can manage it well, it must be useful things to peoples.

    The important thing is can your mom handle it if the dreams became reality, because if not, she will depressed. Perhaps a good meditation / yoga teacher can help her to manage her "know before it happen".

  4. wow!!  thats awesome but yet scary.. i would be scared to know something bad before it happens....

  5. buy some books at half price books about developing her psychic abilities.

  6. wow. thats an amazing talent, but to me also has it's down sides.

    i also have a mom who has strange yet kindof dark dreams, it scares the **** out of me because a couple of times she dreamt of me and she said that i was being raped. a week later i was almost in a position like that but i had a say in wat was going on, nothing happened to me but i was seriously stunned in wat she told me and wat had happened.

  7. wow thats kinda hard to belive

    mabee see a doctor ?

  8. I beleive you, I think some could see it as a blessing, but also as a curse. When she has these dreams, though, it's probably best not to try to prevent anythig from happening, because there's no way even if you realized it, that you could have stopped 9/11, and it ill just make you guilty and paranoid for no reason.

    PS> Is your dad named Christobal or christopher?

  9. Hey that is aw some. I think that it is a gift that has been given to her by God. If you read the Bible it talks about dreams and the way God use to communicate with people in the old days. One example is Genesis 41:1-39. God spoke to Egyptian Pharaoh through a dream and a dream interpreter a Hebrew Joseph who was latter placed in charge of his palace and all the people in Egypt. There is nothing weird about your mom. You should love and support her and spend as much time with her while you still have her.

    There is a link so you can read for your self.

  10. this is a scientific fact.

    dreams cannot interpret or tell the future.

    they are just things and ideas we think about and want to happen.

    they have absolutely nothing to do with our future.

    trust me.

  11. Your mother seems to have a unique gift of perception of the world about her and a sensitivity for situational awareness - and an appreciation of her own values, even if not consciously expressed so often.

    The events of 9/11 of course were not easily predictable - that is a remarkable dream that may have been rooted in something beyond our human understanding.  One's belief in that would depend on faith or belief system, but the imagery is remarkable: the two trees suggest an obvious tie once the horrible events of that day occurred, and the injured doves were of course virtue slaughtered.  That is very powerful and leaves one feeling that no coincidence could possibly be in this linkage between her dreams and events that follow.  I find no explanation other than some remarkable gift seems to be there and that your mother is extraordinary - there was no advance media attention to any such threat, nor any real clues about us suggesting the specific events that resemble her dream so closely.

    As to your father - that could relate to her beliefs and values to a degree, and conscous choices that followed.  The name 'Cristobal' or Christopher of course relates to the Christ and a righteous belief.  That is a value she must surely hold.  She also shows self-confidence in her expression - and she may have guided your non-Mexican father to his career - something solid that also represented a value she held inside, whether consciously or not.  But that does not take away the nature of the gift - it is at least related to the other event you describe because the linkage is the same: an internal gift of perception and expression must be there for the 'message' to come through so clearly.

    I can really give no clear explanation - if such things happen often and are reliably accurate then she seems to be a remarkable lady whose faith runs deeply and enhances some gift that is likely beyond our full comprehension.  Perhaps some of this will help in your understanding of her gift.  

    It should be taken as such - but keep your feet on the ground, it would not be a gift to be taken lightly or run with too freely, such things can backfire when we are too eager to ascribe advance meanings.

    All the best to you.

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