
Can you help me with my religion?

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I need to write an article about a inspiring role model who is Christian or gives out the Christian message.

A good example is Fr. Chris Riley but someone is writing about him so I can't use him for the article...

Please tell me any ideas of people who are on the net or in a book.






  1. how about john shlitt (petras ex lead singer now on his own) or another singer or group, billy gramm

  2. Micheal W. Smith

  3. Michael W. Smith

  4. why dont u do one of the apostles? or jesus...

  5. Do they have to be alive??

    Martin Luther King- He was a great Christian role model as well as a great HUMAN role model which is the aspect you could take. He understood that he would not be listened to if he only spoke about christianity; he was able to give out the christian message and inspire others to live a bit more christianly without neccessarily over using christianity as his selling point.

    You could also look into some of the missionaries in South American nations such as peru who are helping the communities they are involved in.

    I think it would be better of you focused on people who are spreading the christian message rather than people who are christian and famous, because its the grass roots people who are making the significant changes.

    FYI- I am not religious at all and as a non religious person i respect the christians who are working at a grass roots level more so than those who hand out flyers preaching. Why? because i think they are closer to the true spirit of christianity.

    GOOD LUCK!!!!! :)

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