
Can you help me with my surround sound?

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I have a comcast Scientific Atlanta HD box. Digital optical straight to my Onkyo receiver. Last week, with the same hook up, had no problems. Had to disconnect and reconnect. Using exactly the same connections as before, but although I can get sound from my receiver, it is not surround sound. Tried swapping optical cables, same result. Hooked up Xbox360 and get great sound. Problem is with a setting, not equipment or cables. I fixed this problem once before about year ago, but can't remember what I did. Got any idea?




  1. Usually when something like this happens to me, the solution ends up being so obvious I feel like kicking myself for not noticing it. When you unplugged the optical cable is it possible your receiver turned off surround sound mode? Make sure you double check your receiver's settings. If that's not it the problem might be a bit more involved, somebody else might have some more ideas but at 6 am (haven't slept yet) there's not a ton popping into my head right now :P

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