
Can you help me with my wife's birthday present??

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Hey everyone. I need your help.

It's my wife's birthday in a couple of weeks time and I'm at a loss what to get her with regards to one specific item.

For Christmas, I got a PS3 and recently, we invested in a HD Ready TV.

The PS3 is a Blu-Ray player so I thought it would be nice to get her a film on Blu-Ray for her birthday but I'm struggling a little to decide what to get her.

My choices are:

Something we don't already own that's just for her.

Something we don't already own that we've seen before.

Something we don't already own that we've never seen.

Something we own already on DVD but watch often.

I'd like opinions from everyone but if the ladies could say what they would prefer, that would help me out a lot!




  1. for me I would really love a nice bottle of perfume plus the husband always gets me perfume,cause I like that the most and flowers lots of it... a nice gold earing should do the trick and flowers....the t.v. and movies,and all the electro stuff is for both of you....this is her birthday get her something for her,not for you both.....whatever you are getting her get flowers us girls love that,even if we say no we like it and want it...sometimes my husband would get me some ornaments that I look at and say I like it for our home,that I also like...anyways good luck....

  2. on my birthday i love getting something thats just mine, thats personal to me. although i do enjoy going out for a meal with my partner so if you your wife something for just her then take her for meal that you both enjoy you cant lose. xo

  3. organise a baby sitter and go out even if just for a drive without the worry of the little one. You need time out together never mind presents. Take up a sport together----golf , kayaking are a few I have enjoyed but even bicycle riding is fun. You still need to be enjoying things together so take some time out from parental responsibilities. It does make you a better parent to have such a break. It also helps  a partnership to be there just for the 2 of you occasionally. Initially it is so difficult to do as it is hard to let go but it is good practise for when school starts and you have to let go.

  4. If you're looking for a fun and unique gift idea, these personalized soaps from should do the trick. they make soaps with your photo or just message embedded inside. I got one for my boyfriend and he loved it. You can write all kinds of funny stuff.... My boyfriend thought it was super cute! .the "Think of me when you're feeling dirty" soap was the one he loved the most

  5. Get her a Jessica Rabbit!

  6. is she into the whole techy-electronic stuff? if she is (i mean, seriously???) then i think you know which gadget would be best.

    but if she's not, something personal and intimate would be nice. and don't just get stuck on the 'present' idea. its her birthday - its not just about gifts, make it an event. flowers in the morning when she wakes up, a hand-delivered cup of coffee at the office, a nice dinner, and a simple present to top off the night.

    its the thought that goes into the action - thats what really matters to us.

  7. Not a Blue Ray Disc i would frisby it at you how, about a nice romantic meal ,the flowers and chocolates are all ways a winner,followed by anice scented bath surrounded with candles, some good romantic music ,ie luther vandross, alexander o'neil, barry white,and finally Happy Birthday my Darling i Love You

  8. Um, I wouldnt go for a movie because, from my opinion, its an insensitive gift

    I would get her tickets to a concert she likes or take her out to a nice dinner

  9. Something personal to her. Maybe take her out for dinner too, or go on a romantic walk or day out.

  10. You live in a village and are somewhet isolated and have a small baby?

    Well, young man, were I your wife the thing I would appreciate more than anything would be a day orf!  A DVD is all very well but once watched - what then?

    I would give her a wad of cash and send her out for the day while you stay home and babysit.  Perhaps you can arrange for her to meet up for lunch with some chums or book her into a spa for the day so she can be pampered.

    While she is out you could sweep through the house and do a jolly old clean - and prepare supper for when she arrives home?

  11. If the two of you haven't seen 'P.S. I Love You', I have heard it is a great 'chick flick'. Get the box of tissues handy.

    That would be a good one just for her. You could also get another one that has more CGI.

  12. I'm sorry, but that doesn't sound like a sweet enough or personal enough gift for a wife.  I always like jewelry.  I don't mean expensive jewelry - I don't own any of that.  I just like things that sparkle and look pretty (CZ, rhinestones, crystal jewelry).

    I know your wife might not like what I like, but I just don't think a movie to watch would be good enough.  My husband always gets me several gifts of costume (cheap) jewelry, and he's listened to me a lot over the years about the things I like, so he really knows my taste.

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