My niece who has two boys, one of which will be in school for a long time yet, has recently been found to be disabled and is no longer able to work. Her company when she was hired gave her the opportunity to buy into an insurance policy that pays double indemnity so that each boy will get around 50,000 when she dies. She is in dire straits and needs that money now. She says she heard that there are companies that will pay you the money and then she would sign over her insurance to them as heirs or what ever you call that. Is there such a thing? If so who and where? Also how much would she have to pay in taxes for the money?
Right now it is made out to each boy but she can change the names on the policy whenever she wants to and her previous employer pays the premiums. This I know to be true.
It sounds kind of fishy to me, and I don't want her to get mixed up in something that will hurt her, I raised her since she was 16 and she is now 43.